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Tag Archives: neighborhood
Community – Global and Local
The earthquake in Nepal has brought to the surface deep connections within the global community. The reactions of countries far away and across the world – for example, the United States, the European Union, Israel – have been swift, caring and operationally well-planned. Hopefully their efforts will prove to be effective in helping the people of Nepal and the surrounding affected areas. Over 5,000 have already been confirmed dead and thousands more have been injured or lost their home and possessions because of the violent earthquake and aftershocks in the … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, stress, your self
Tagged anxiety, Baltimore, community, earthquake, looting, Millennials, neighborhood, Nepal, rescue, riot, stress
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Stretch Your Summer Days – and Nights
Now that summer has unofficially begun, have you been looking for ways to slow down the timer and enjoy each day to its fullest? You’ve likely found that when you’re involved in a meaningful or vivid activity, you’re more likely to remember it as a unique experience, making each day seem longer. Earlier this week, the idea of making each moment count resonated well with one of our readers who added a link to a TED talk by Matt Cutts. Matt shared the way he motivates himself and creates significant … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, well-being, your self
Tagged challenge, clock, community, family, memories, neighborhood, outside, staycation, summer, TED talk, Time, vacation
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