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Tag Archives: memory loss
5 Practical Tips to Reduce Stress
Stress is the body’s response to any stimulus that taxes our personal resources. It can appear, suddenly and unannounced, through a variety of symptoms: Physiologically as headaches or an upset stomach Emotionally by feeling frustrated or overwhelmed Cognitively from memory loss or trouble concentrating Behaviorally with changes in eating or sleep patterns State of mind affects our wellbeing, and we’re all searching for some serenity in this frenetic world. Vacations ease tension, but they’re just too few and far between. So why not take a head trip as your relaxation … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged burnout, frustration, gratitude, head trip, headaches, memory loss, negative feelings, reduce stress, tension, worry
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Moving through Menopause
Life is full of changes. And menopause is just one of these normal transitions. You may be in for a bumpy ride, challenged by physical and emotional symptoms. But this is a natural part of every woman’s life. Menopause is not an illness, and there are ways that you can manage: Hot flashes – dress in layers, sleep in a cool room, and avoid alcohol & spicy foods. Sleep disturbances– physical exercise, create a bedtime routine, relaxation and deep breathing. Memory issues– simplify your environment, make lists, concentrate on one … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged attitude, changes, hot flashes, memory loss, menopause, mood swings, sleep disturbances, transitions, women
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Menopause, Hot Flashes and Brain Fog
Jokes about menopause often get a laugh. But the truth is, if you’re a woman of a certain age, hot flashes and memory issues aren’t very funny. It’s comforting to know that researchers are taking this seriously. Although it’s a small study and needs to be replicated, new findings indicate that menopausal memory lapses are normal. According to the results of a recent study from the University of Illinois and Northwestern University, concerns about memory are not a figment of a woman’s imagination. Subjects who reported difficulties with memory did not … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged Alzheimer's, cognitive tests, concentration, dementia, depression, family history, hot flashes, memory loss, menopause, negative emotions, remembering
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