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Tag Archives: meaning
Aging vs. Growing Old: It Doesn’t Depend on the Calendar
Lifetime Achievement Award winner Betty White is in the news again. It seems she is following the advice for staying young we gave you earlier this week: cultivate humor in your daily life; hang out with your peers; find the time to interact with younger friends too. This time, she has jumped into the fray of those making predictions about the future of NBA basketball star LeBron James. White has joined with her adopted city of Cleveland, hoping to entice LeBron to stay with the Cavaliers for another season. As … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged Betty White, feeling young, fitness, friends, growing old, healthy aging, Hot in Cleveland, humor, LeBron James, meaning, NIA, Sandwiched Boomer, volunteer
Connect with Your Family This Summer
Now that Memorial Day is past and school will soon be over, have you thought about how to use those extra summer hours to connect with your family? With the summer season now unofficially open and the barbeque back in service, can we still learn from the heroes we honored on Memorial Day who have served and given their all to protect our way of life? As we respect their unique bravery, we can direct their lessons to our own family situation and apply the same principles to those closest … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged bravery, camaraderie, courage, family, friendship, gratitude, heroes, loved one, meaning, Memorial Day, Sandwiched Boomers, summer
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Memorial Day and the Value of Family
Memorial Day gives us all an opportunity to pay tribute to those in the Armed Service who have sacrificed their lives to protect our freedoms over the years. Visiting a military cemetery on Memorial Day and witnessing all of the flags marking the graves, families of the fallen are there in record numbers to remember their relatives. A non-profit organization, TAPS, Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, was founded by Bonnie Carroll after the death of her husband in 1992, to provide comfort for those who have lost a loved one … Continue reading
Posted in extended family
Tagged Armed Services, camaraderie, courage, family, loved one, meaning, Memorial Day, TAPS, Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors
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Menopause Brain?
Last week we looked at ways to activate your brain and keep it young. But recent studies at UCLA indicate that women’s brains may not function as well during the early stage of the menopause transition – women do not learn as well shortly before menopause as they do earlier or later. So if you are one of the 60% of women who notice that you have memory problems during your menopausal transition, take heart – your memory will come back once you are postmenopausal. Menopause may bring many additional … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged aging, beauty, coping, freedom, loss, meaning, memory, menopause, postmenopausal, role, Sandwiched Boomer, UCLA study