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Tag Archives: Internet
Anthony Weiner and Parenting in the Digital Age
Although Anthony Weiner stated that the women he corresponded with on Facebook and Twitter were all over the age of consent, recently more compromising photos have emerged and information has come out about a ‘friend’/’follower’ who is in high school. Although he may not have sent her any lewd photos or messages, this highlights the dilemma for parents of teens – how much to monitor your kids’ online experience. On the one hand, you want to protect them from danger before it becomes inevitable, on the other, you want to … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids
Tagged American Academy of Pediatrics, Anthony Weiner, digital age, Facebook, Internet, online, parenting, raising children, sexting, social media, teens, website
Dangers for Teens on the Internet
With the release of David Schwimmer’s new movie, Trust, parents are once more put on notice about the importance of educating their kids about the dangers of Internet sex predators. Schwimmer directed and produced the movie about what happens when a 14 year-old girl begins communicating with a stranger in an online chat room. The entire family feels the damaging effects of the girl’s victimization by an adult male posing as a teenage boy. Photo by Keerati Facebook and other social media, chat rooms and smart phones are a big … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids
Tagged American Academy of Pediatrics, digital age, Facebook, Internet, online, parenting, raising children, sexting, social media, teens, website
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Brain Exercises for Sandwiched Boomers
Yesterday we highlighted a recent study that found conducting Internet searches enhances brain function. Today lets look at additional means of exercising your brain to keep it active and dynamic. Here are some tips to follow: Exercise your brain with mental aerobics just as you do your body. The Seattle Longitudinal Study found that 66% of older Americans doing brain exercise activities had significant cognitive improvement. Learning new skills increases the number of neural connections in the brain and keeps them firing. Explore new areas and interests. Have you wanted … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged AARP, brain power, crossword, exercise, Internet, memory, Sandwiched Boomer, UCLA study
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Adding Brain Power
If you found our blog by Googling or responding to a Google Alert about a subject that concerned you – aging parents, growing children, nourishing relationships, family conflicts, Sandwiched Boomers – or by surfing the Internet for topics of interest, or you are a regular reader, congratulations, you are increasing your brain power! According to a study soon to be published by the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, a team of UCLA scientists have found that middle aged and older adults who search the Internet, using the web on a … Continue reading