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China Connections
On a recent trip to China, I was prepared to be overwhelmed by the dramatic grand sights – the Great Wall, Forbidden City, Terracotta Warriors, Three Gorges – but what surprised me were the small exchanges I had with some of the Chinese people. Many of them were willing, even eager, to relate with Westerner visitors. Their openness made for lasting memories of a rich culture and remarkable individuals. China seems to do everything fast, from building bridges and skyscrapers to making changes in social policy. In the late 1970’s … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, aging parents, extended family, well-being, your self
Tagged Beijing, children, China, communications, connections, family, grandsons, home, hutong, parents, relationship, Three Gorges, tourist, visit
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Men at Work – More than Just a Sign
Linguist Deborah Tannen has written numerous books about the conversational styles of women and men, in families and at work. According to Tannen, problems can occur, especially in a job setting where the members are not as knowledgeable about each other, when men and women don’t understand the rituals that define each other’s approach. Women, even in a work setting, generally use conversational strategies that are considerate and sensitive to the other person’s feelings, even when giving negative feedback. Demonstrating an emphasis on getting the job done without “flexing their … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, intimate partner, your self
Tagged boss, brother, conversational style, Deborah Tannen, HerMentorCenter.com, home, men, power, spouse, women, work
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Setting Guidelines with Boomerang Kids
Readers of the Newsweek.com article by Tina Peng on boomerang kids, “They’re Baaack,” had lots of comments about how to make the situation work for both the parents and the kids. Here are just a sampling: Headface sets the stage for a new realationship when kids move back home. “I think there should be a new set of rules involved. The kids should have to pay part of the rent/mortgage, the same for groceries, do their share of chores, etc. Any parent who lets the dynamic regress back to when … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids
Tagged Boomerang kids, communication, family, home, Newsweek, Phyllis Goldberg, Rosemary Lichtman, They're Baaack, Tina Peng
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