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Tag Archives: economic turmoil
As your anxiety rises from the uncertainty of the economic turmoil, take action to prevent your increasing stress from boiling over onto your family. Here are two more tips, be you a Sandwiched Boomer or not: Ask for help and get support from those around you in order to reduce the stress in your life. See a financial planner to set some goals and make a concrete plan about how to achieve them. Where you can, take action to relieve your worries. When you are not feeling so overwhelmed by … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged deep breathing, economic turmoil, exercise, relaxation, Sandwiched Boomer, stress, support
The American Psychological Association, in a survey of 2500 people from all across the country, found that stress levels have increased significantly in the past two years, especially in the last six months. Over 80% of the responders said that money was a significant worry for them. And that was before the financial meltdown of the past month. So today we have two more tips for you to avoid feeling pressured and out of control by the roller coaster economy. Learn stress reduction strategies by attending a seminar, group, meditation … Continue reading
Across the United States and around the world, the effects of the financial crisis continue to spread – foreclosures are widespread, banks are being taken over, stock markets are erratic, credit is frozen and bankruptcies are increasing. Even with the planned infusion of trillions of dollars by the government, no one can predict with certainty the long-term effects on the economy. Hope is building that the Obama administration will create solutions but most pundits agree that this collapse will not right itself in the near future. How is all this … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, intimate partner, your self
Tagged abuse, anxiety, Domestic Violence, economic turmoil, family, financial crisis, frustration
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Yesterday we looked at the new kind of boomerang living arrangements created as a result of the current financial meltdown. Sandwiched Boomers – as well as the generations before and after them – are moving into these situations in record numbers. Many positive results can come out of shared housing if you plan ahead. Today we have some tips to help take the sting out: Have a family meeting to set guidelines before you move in together. All of you need to be frank and honest about your needs. Each … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged boundaries, economic turmoil, family, financial crisis, housing, Sandwiched Boomers
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