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Tag Archives: economic turmoil
Video Tips for Taking Care of Yourself in a Recession
You have probably noticed that the economic downward spiral has affected more than your pocket book. For most of us, it has also taken a toll on our feelings of well-being and security. Reports indicate that mental health calls due to financial pressure have increased more than 100% in the past months. If you are feeling signs of distress, check out our video tips for today to learn how to take better care of yourself. To read some tips about how to create a healthier lifestyle for yourself and your … Continue reading
Video Tips for Regaining Control in Financial Chaos
With the stimulus package having little effect and the continued loss of jobs, the recession appears to be continuing unabated. Still, you, and other Sandwiched Boomers, can regain some control over your situation by educating yourself, evaluating your finances and making the hard decisions that lead to changes in your lifestyle. Watch our video for more coping tips. To read some tips about how to maintain and even strengthen your family relationships during this time of financial belt-tightening, click on the title above. It will link you to wwwHerMentorCenter.com and … Continue reading
Video Tips to Thrive in Economic Crisis
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Change Comes When You Least Expect It
The Labor Department announced today that the unemployment rate is now the highest in over 25 years, 8.5 percent. If they were to add in workers forced to work part-time and the so-called “discouraged” workers who are no longer hoping to find employment, the rate would be 15.6%. Over 3.25 million jobs have been lost in the past 5 months alone. And the average workweek is now 33.2 hours, a new record low. Economists predict we will pull out of this but not for some time. For now, it’s important … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged challenge, economic turmoil, family, financial crisis, job loss, Sandwiched Boomers, stress
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