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Tag Archives: conflict
Mother-in-Law’s Tongue
Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, with its sharp, blade-like leaves, has been described as “toxic.” That is, when it’s not being called by its other name, the Snake Plant. Wow, looks the plant world doesn’t have a very good view of us mothers-in-law! But we MILs know that most of the time we don’t use our words to cut – we work hard to “hold our tongues” and defuse the situation. That’s not always easy to do. We often hear from women who want to improve their relationships with daughters-in-law, but don’t know … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, your self
Tagged conflict, daughter-in-law, DIL, family in flux, HerMentorCenter.com, identity, MIL, mother-in-law, mother-in-law's tongue, role changes, son-in-law, tools
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Even during the holiday rush, you can carve out some time just for your life partner. Attention is often the best gift you can give to those you love – and it won’t strain your tightened budget. Here are some more tips for you Sandwiched Boomers. Give compliments freely. Sometimes it seems easier to criticize and complain than to praise and acknowledge positive behavior. Adjust your antennae to be more attentive to the actions you want to reinforce. When you are thinking something nice, say it out loud to your … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged budget, communication, conflict, holidays, relationships, Sandwiched Boomers
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As members of the Sandwich Generation, are you ready to be there for your family and take care of yourself this Thanksgiving day? If you get annoyed, go for the high ground and walk away. There’s a greater possibility of conflict with a family member who is unreasonable. Despite how hard it is, don’t take the bait With a relationship that matters, bury the hatchet. If in the past you have gone underground and then blown up later, don’t let these feelings fester. Acknowledge the part you play and deal … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged blogging community, conflict, forgiveness, gratitude, meaningful, Sandwich Generation, thanksgiving
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As the week draws to a close, Sandwiched Boomers continue to worry about the nation’s economic health and are anxious about their financial future. We hope that the following ideas will be helpful: Recognize how you deal with stress related to money. Some people are more likely to relieve stress by turning to unhealthy activities like smoking, drinking, gambling or emotional eating. The strain can also lead to more conflict and arguments in relationships. If any of these behaviors are causing problems in your family, seek help from a professional … Continue reading