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Tag Archives: conflict resolution
A Gift for Chelsea and Marc: Conflict Resolution Strategies
Close to 85% of participants in a recent survey said they’re accepting of interfaith marriages. But there can be challenges, especially if issues – like how to celebrate holidays, raise the children, honor life stages – haven’t been talked about before the wedding. Read about conflict resolution from Wikipedia and advice from interfaith couples to Chelsea and Marc. As differences can lead to disagreements, the best you can do sometimes is practice strategies to maximize your strengths: Minimize emotional overload. Flooding is a physiological arousal that is activated when tensions … Continue reading
Conflict Resolution for Boomer Couples
Don’t you already know there is no perfect relationship? All couples get angry and argue, so you’re not alone. But remember, when resolving conflict, keep your words sweet – you may have to eat them. Your arguments may not have as much fallout if you and your partner accumulate positive reserve in your emotional bank account – that is, the more positive interactions and feelings, the less damage. Agree to stop arguing and postpone a difficult conversation until you’re both feeling less upset. Decide, together, to step away and put … Continue reading
Conflict Resolution in Your Marriage
Need some help with conflict resolution in your marriage? Limit your arguments. If the situation between you and your partner is tense, small annoyances can seem bigger than before. When you argue, allowing bad feelings to fester only makes it worse. Don’t turn your quarrels into something more or attach your reactions to another issue. Agree that you will together explore the problems in your relationship. And spend time learning about conflict resolution, direct communication and active listening skills. There’s a lot of information available through relationship workshops, on the … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner
Tagged arguing, communication, conflict resolution, couples therapy, divorce, marital relationship
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The Sandwich Generation and Communication
As members of the time-starved Sandwich Generation, do you sometimes wonder how you’re going to get it all done? And now we’re asking you to focus on your communication with your partner. Don’t worry, these tips aren’t too hard to integrate into your bag of tricks. And in the long run it’ll help your other relationships: Limit your arguments. If the situation between the two of you is tense, small annoyances can seem bigger than before. When you argue, allowing bad feelings to fester only makes it worse. Don’t turn … Continue reading