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Tag Archives: change
Ringing in the New Year
If you’re like most of us, you probably begin each New Year with hope and optimism. This time, in 2014, you’ll make the right choices, follow-up on positive change, and achieve the goals that have been eluding you. In that spirit of confidence and resourcefulness, we offer you support all along the way here on our website through our white papers in the Resources section. Feel free to click on these links to give you more information and encouragement as well as practical strategies to put in place in 2014. … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged 2014, assets, challenge, change, coping, goals, January blues, New Year's resolutions, Plan B, SAD, Sandwich Generation, strengths, support
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New Beginnings
Now that September is here, are you encountering a time of change? You may be refocusing on work after the Labor Day weekend, sending the kids back to school, celebrating the Jewish New Year, or simply making a recommitment to reality after the escape of summer. Many of us are now taking stock of where we are and making plans for where we want to be. If you’re ready to challenge yourself to make changes in your life, here are a few tips to keep in mind: Recognize what you … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged assets, balance, challenge, change, expectations, family, friends, goals, objectives, resources, self care, strength, support, talents
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Positive Effects of Negativity
I was having dinner the other night with a friend who is having a tough time as she goes through a very difficult break-up and I wondered, with all the emphasis in Positive Psychology on resilience and optimism, are we being unrealistic about our abilities to bounce back after a crisis? And is there actually some real value in being unhappy sometimes? Immersed as we are in the ‘dog days of summer’ it might seem like the wrong time to look at such heavy and pessimistic issues, but let’s give … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged break up, challenges, change, crisis, death, divorce, emotions, job loss, loss, negativity, optimism, pessimism, positive psychology, recovery, resilience, survive, unhappiness
A New Spring Perspective
This spring try out a new perspective as you look at the world in a fresh, new way. You’ll be better able to see what has been holding you back from committing to the shifts you want to make. Just as delicate flowers renew their blooms each year, you too can push through your hesitation and become your full, authentic self. On Monday, we talked about the value of opening yourself up to new ways of doing things and focusing on the real world experiences around you. Here are two … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged authentic self, begin, change, holiday, independence, perspective, shifts, spring, world
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