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Tag Archives: caregiving
Sandwich Generation Roommates
Baby Boomers are joining the ranks of the Sandwich Generation in droves, with multi-generational households on the rise. As the children of Boomers struggle with a financial trifecta of the still sagging economy, high student loan debt and underemployment, many Millennials are returning to the nest as Boomerang Kids. At the same time, Boomers’ aging parents are feeling a financial pinch as their retirement incomes dwindle, causing some to make changes in their housing. Boomers who had dreamed about enjoying an empty nest may instead find themselves hosting their parents … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, aging parents, sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged " adult children, aging parents, Baby Boomers, Boomerang kids, caregiving, economy, family meetings, KNX Sandwich Generation Forum, Millennials, multigenerational housing, Sandwich Generation, student loans
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Coping With Your Aging Dad on Father’s Day
Father’s Day gives us the chance to salute our dads and say thanks for all they’re done for us. As a young girl, mine taught me how to swim, stand on my head and play tennis; as a teen, how to be responsible and accomplish my goals; as an adult how to feel cherished. As we all grow and mature, our relationships with our fathers change but the bond of love is constant. If your dad has become more fragile as he ages, it’s likely that your connection has been … Continue reading
Posted in aging parents, sandwich generation
Tagged aging parent, Baby Boomer, caregiving, challenge, dad, eldercare, Father's Day, healthy aging, resiliency, Sandwich Generation, siblings, stress, support
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Father’s Day and Your Aging Dad
With Father’s Day approaching, are your thoughts turning to the men in your life – father, husband, son, other male figures? Mine are. It’s heartwarming to see how my sons have become devoted dads themselves, reflecting their own loving father. This weekend, I’ll also be honoring the memory of my dad, who died in his 90th year over a decade ago. While helping with his care during the final years of a chronic illness, it was painful to see how he was declining. Always active and fun-loving while I was growing … Continue reading
The Sibling Bond and Aging Parents
We just got home from the Blue Ridge mountains of North Carolina and a reunion with my husband’s brothers and their wives. Visiting with family always reminds me of how the internal scripts and imprinted patterns that shape us continue their impact throughout our lives. I guess a broad range of emotions weave the tapestry of family life for all of us. Like the sagas of Cain and Abel or Rachel and Leah, stories about sibling bonds are fascinating. Archetypal tales interest us because relationships with our own brothers and … Continue reading