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Tag Archives: Boomerang kids
Enjoying Your Boomerang Kids
When your adult child boomerangs back home, it can be a win-win situation for all of you, rather than a cause for alarm. If you follow our tips, your new arrangement opens up the opportunity to see each other through fresh eyes. You can let go of the old hurts and old memories of conflicts between you. Experience first hand how your offspring have matured and let them see you as more than just parents. One mother recounted how the richness of her relationship with her son and daughter-in-law developed … Continue reading
Communicating with Your Boomerang Kids
Once it looks like you are going to have an adult child move back home, planning with you family in flux is the name of the game. After all, you don’t want to duck or get hit in the head when a boomerang flies back toward you. Use these tips to help you get started. Have a family meeting where all of you can be open about your needs and expectations. Listen to what your offspring, and their partners who may be moving in too, say about what is essential … Continue reading
Refreshing the Relationship with Your Boomerang Kids
Robert Frost wasn’t thinking about boomerang kids when he wrote in his 1915 poem, Death of the Hired Man, “Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.” But he sure might have been. In this economy, adult children are moving back home in record numbers – for many different reasons. Some are doing frugal planning ahead of the curve. They want to put aside money to buy a house or other large purchase and arrange to put the money they save … Continue reading
Living with Boomerang Kids
As we start the New Year, we wrap up this week’s blogs highlighting our suggestions in the Newsweek.com article on boomerang kids. Today we hear from a sampling of the parents and kids who commented that they have made the situation work for everyone. A parent, Ladytechie, writes, “I share an apartment with a grown son. Note the share. We split the bills. I cook dinner (by choice, it’s as much hobby with me as necessity), he does all the heavy cleaning, our bedrooms are off-limits to each other. Generally … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, your self
Tagged Boomerang kids, family, new years, Newsweek, parents
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