Tag Archives: age healthfully

Our Virtual Book Tour with Amy Sherman yesterday was lively and the questions from our readers all had a common theme. How do I maintain a positive attitude when facing health and relationship challenges – my recent MS diagnosis, constant back and knee pain, the stress of aging, a Father with Alzheimers moving in with my family, the loss of my husband? Amy’s responses were consistent and right on. While validating each reader’s concerns, she also had practical suggestions – educate yourself about the problem, reach out for support, work … Continue reading

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Anne Kreamer, author of “Going Gray,” is our guest on this Virtual Book Tour. Welcome, Anne! We know that this interview will get a lot of you thinking first thing this morning, so let’s get started: What made you decide to stop coloring your hair? A friend sent me photographs from a trip we’d recently taken and in one of them I was standing with my sixteen-year old naturally blonde daughter and a good friend with gray hair. I was in the middle with a harsh and dark brown hair … Continue reading

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