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Tag Archives: 2008
Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. today, Americans may wonder how much progress has been made toward realizing his dream, so eloquently stated that steamy August day, 1963, in Washington, D.C. According to a poll done by CNN/Opinion Research, a significant majority of blacks and whites believe that the dream of racial equality has evolved in our society. A full 72% of whites and 61% of blacks are of the opinion that America in 2008 would be accepting of a black President. According to the same poll, slightly fewer voters, around … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged 2008, CNN, Martin Luther King, President, Sandwich Generation, Sandwiched Boomers, voter
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We want to thank you for helping us achieve our goals in 2007. By your subscribing to our newsletters and reading our blog, we are encouraged to continue speaking out to Sandwiched Boomers. Our very best wishes for 2008 – we hope it’s a year where you engage your passion so that your dreams can come true.
Posted in sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged 2008, Baby Boomers, blog, passion, set goals, thank you, the Sandwich Generation
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As Sandwiched Boomers caring for parents growing older and children growing up, did 2007 fly by for you? Are you busy wrapping up the year and wiping the slate clean? Or, now that the celebration is upon us, are you thinking about making new year’s resolutions? Some women refuse to even consider the possibility as they regard it as an exercise in futility. However, there are positive ways to see the beginning of 2008 as an opportunity to set realistic goals. Don’t make a long list of what you should … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged 2007, 2008, new years, resolutions, Sandwiched Boomers, set goals
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