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Category Archives: well-being
Orlando Massacre: Feeling Vulnerable
One deranged man, filled with hate and armed with weapons of war, killed 50 innocents and seriously injured as many within a few hours. Family and friends, anxious and worried, waited to hear about their loved ones. They were desperately trying to understand what was going on, but what they really needed was reassurance. And for many, what they got was heartbreak. How can we continue to face these tragedies time and again when nothing changes? Some are too young to remember 9/11, others can’t forget. While in New York I … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged 2011 killings at a political rally in Arizona, 2012 Sandy Hook School massacre in Connecticut, 2013 Boston Marathon bombings, 2015 Charleston parishioners and clergy killings, 2015 terrorist attacks at the Paris newspaper Charlie Hebdo, bomb attacks in Brussels, donate time or money to the gun control debate, join a march against prejudice, murders of the Isla Vista students in 2014, National September 11 Memorial & Museum, One World Trade Center, Orlando Mass Shooting, Orlando Pulse nightclub, volunteer in a mental health program, weapons of war
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Gratitude: Our 50th Anniversary
I was overwhelmed with gratitude last weekend as my husband and I celebrated our golden wedding anniversary. We talked a lot about the life we’ve created together, about how blessed and lucky we are. It got me thinking of the times I could have, but didn’t, express thanks over the past 50 years. And of the unexpected positive effect when I did. Science backs this up. Positive Psychology studies show that when we deliberately cultivate gratitude, we increase our well-being and self-esteem as well as our sense of connection. In addition, … Continue reading
Spirited Woman 12 Book Pick List
We’re thrilled to have our book, Whose Couch Is It Anyway?, selected by Spirited Woman this week for their spring book recommendations. Founded by Nancy Mills, this organization spotlights inspirational women in various fields around the globe. The Spirited Woman Foundation raises funds and makes donations to charitable organizations that heal and empower women. Four times a year, 12 books are picked that encourage emotional growth. We’re grateful to be included this spring in their Top 12 Book Pick List. we’re in good company – please check out the other … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged 12 Book Pick List, book recommendations, inspirational women, Spirited Woman, Whose Couch Is It Anyway
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