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Category Archives: well-being
Going Home
Thomas Wolfe may have said, “you can’t go home again”…but I just did. I was back in my hometown, visiting with old friends for a 55th high school reunion and with cousins from my extended family. Just as is implied in the Simon and Garfunkel song, “Old Friends,” being with them brought the kind of feelings that cannot easily be repeated with others – immediate acceptance and the warmth of shared memories. We tend to forget the painful times and instead think about the joyful experiences of the past. It … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, well-being, your self
Tagged adult children returning home, Boomerang kids, family, Millennials, parents, reunion, shared memories, Whose Couch Is It Anyway
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Halloween: The Masks We Wear
We all wear masks at one time or another, pretending that everything is OK. It’s common to hide personal pain. But the bad feelings don’t just disappear. Transitions are complicated. You may be letting go of roles that define you, facing a financial crisis, or adjusting to loss and a new reality. Refuse to give up on yourself, and let the following tips help you take one step at a time: Look deep inside. Are you afraid of what’s in your heart or head? If you’re angry or depressed and holding back, … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged adjusting to loss, defense mechanism of denial, financial crisis, Halloween, masking negative feelings, personal values, risky behavior, substance abuse, synchronicity, take off your mask
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Encourage Millennials to Vote
According to a recent national poll, nearly one in four of Millennial participants would prefer to have a giant meteor strike Earth than to see either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump in the Oval Office. Earlier in this election cycle, the Millennial generation supported Bernie Sanders. They thought he was speaking to them, not at them, and they felt the Bern. When there was disagreement, he listened in an effort to solve the problems at hand. Young people respected Sanders and what he stood for. They’re still mourning the loss of … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, well-being, your self
Tagged civil rights, college affordability, Donald Trump, encourage Millennials to vote, foreign policy/terrorism, health care, Hillary Clinton, jobs and the economy, Michelle Obama, national security, negative campaign, President obama
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Reflections on Change
Who am I? Where am I going? What is my purpose? These are questions that we raise with ourselves during periods of transition. The earth is changing – leaves turning vibrant colors before they fall and die, animals readying their homes and themselves for the winter months – and we, too, are thoughtful at this time of year. The Jewish High Holidays have asked us to consider deep questions about the meaning of our lives and the direction we plan to take today and in the future. And the Presidential … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, well-being, your self
Tagged Boomerang kids, Breast Cancer Awareness, change, family transition, health and wellness, Millennials, presidential election, transformation, values
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