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Category Archives: well-being
Joan and Melissa: Mother/Daughter Bonds
As a daughter, mother and therapist, I can attest to the complexity of these relationships. To some, an extremely close relationship represents bonding, to others enmeshment. According to the media, Joan and Melissa Rivers were not afraid to act out the drama between a mom expecting to have a lot of control and a daughter trying to set some limits. Melissa recalls an argument when she tells her mother that she’s an adult and wants to be respected. And Joan’s retort? “I know about your boundaries and choose not to acknowledge … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, stress, well-being
Tagged daughters, family bonds, individuation, Joan Rivers, Melissa Rivers, mothers, relationships, role model, supportive, teens, trust
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ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Social media have often drawn criticism – for their penchant to foster narcissism, time wasting, even bullying – but this past month we’ve seen the generosity, compassion and creativity they can generate. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has gone viral on the Internet, attracting a wide range of celebrities, athletes, professionals, students, business people, politicians, and ordinary folks – all dumping a bucket of ice water on their heads. People have made donations to The ALS Association, challenging others to do so as well. In July alone, more than $100 … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged ALS, charity, commitment, donation, gratitude, Ice Bucket Challenge, illness, Internet, Lou Gehrig, Millennial, research, social media, viral, wellness
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Why Technology is OK for Kids
We have just returned from a family vacation in Whistler, Canada. Some days we took a gondola up the mountain and hiked trails to streams and waterfalls. Others we biked around the countryside to swim in local lakes. With five active grandsons ages 8-13 and their forty-something parents, we had plenty of exercise and physical challenge. Yet whenever we returned from our adventures, the main pull for the boys was their electronic devices. And a typical parental request? Please turn that off and go outside or play a game. I often … Continue reading
Virtual book tour with Len Filppu
We’re pleased to welcome Len Filppu to our blog today for a Virtual Book Tour. Len is the author of Prime Time Dads: 45 Reasons to Embrace Midlife Fatherhood, a parenting book filled with a collection of his humorous and heartfelt essays. They support his radical notion that mature men are well-suited for fatherhood, and that rather than being just ‘better late than never,’ midlife fatherhood can actually be better later. Len is a writer/screenwriter who’s worked in Silicon Valley and on Capitol Hill, but he says the best thing … Continue reading