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Category Archives: well-being
Virtual Book Tour: 30 Lessons for Loving
Today we are pleased to host family sociologist, researcher on aging and author Karl Pillemer, Ph.D. on our blogsite. We will be discussing his insightful book, 30 LESSONS FOR LOVING: Advice from the Wisest Americans on Love, Relationships, and Marriage. Dr. Pillemer led an in-depth study of long-married elders ever conducted, comprised of 700 people averaging 43 years of marriage. They opened their hearts and the findings are fascinating, so let’s get started. Her Mentor Center: What is the Legacy Project and what inspired you to launch it? Karl Pillemer: … Continue reading
For the Love of Giving Back
Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to celebrate social bonds. We’ve volunteered with dedicated teams in communities that welcomed the support, and learned that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. That’s because connecting through helping others strengthens and enriches everyone. Although the Millennials are often labeled as apathetic and lazy, that generation is interested in making social good a part of what they do. One example of what cause-oriented companies are capable of is Sevenly. They’ve They’ve built activism into their core appeal to customers and created … Continue reading
cheers and tears
When football is involved, I must confess that I inevitably find myself rooting for the clock. But when the game is the Super Bowl, I’m also cheering for the commercials. And this year was no exception. Again, the most successful ones were those that tugged at the heart and focused on the value of relationships – especially those involving puppies and Clydesdales. When those relationships are between you and your Millennial, do things get more complex? If you want to improve the generation gap in your family, here are three … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged boomerang, communication, economic, family, finances, generation gap, kids, kidult, Millennial, parent, relationships, resilience, stress, Super Bowl commercials, support
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Moms of Millennials Under Pressure
The N.E. Patriots were stressed out, dealing with the scandal of Deflategate while preparing for the Super Bowl against the reigning champions. As a matter of fact, moms with boomerang kids are also trying to keep a lot of balls in the air. Whereas some women welcome the closer family ties that come along with Millennials moving back home, others feel burdened by financial and emotional frustration. And the body’s first response to multiple demands is STRESS. When your kidults return to live with you, at first it’s not … Continue reading