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Category Archives: parenting kids
Becoming a superhero
Superheroes traditionally dominate the blockbuster motion picture ratings each summer and this one is no exception. These larger-than-life characters appeal to our kids, who idolize them and aspire to become all-powerful too. I recall a favorite summertime activity in my own childhood – sitting on the floor in the corner of our local drug store reading the latest edition of all the action comic books, especially Wonder Woman. Their personas provide a sense of possibility for adults as well, encouraging us to dream of what we might become. With their … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged challenges, coaching, comics, coping, identity, meaning, motivation, movies, power, relaxation, role model, self confidence, stress, success, superhero, support, teamwork
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Our Millennials and Transition
Life is not linear–it loops around and repeats itself. And when the past presents again, it inspires us to learn more about what to do next. Take Millennials, for example. Some leave home more than once, going back and forth, with small steps each time. Practice makes perfect. And these cumulative experiences prepare them for the ultimate transition into adulthood. At some level, summer camp is the first step toward greater autonomy. Because our kids’ leave-taking is only temporary, we welcome the break from our daily routine. But we know … Continue reading
Baby Boomer Recognition Day
Would you believe it? Yesterday was the official Baby Boomer Recognition Day. As if Boomers need one particular day to be feted. At over 75 million strong, this generation has been in the forefront of the news ever since their beginning in 1946. With the last of the Boomers turning 50 this year, they have now, in fact, all become the AARP generation. As the largest cohort of Americans, Boomers have set the tone for so many of our cultural trends and historical mores. But these days Boomers are facing … Continue reading
Fighting the Stigma of Mental Illness
The Isla Vista deadly rampage happened in May, Mental Health Month. Three were shot and the other three stabbed to death. These six college students were killed by a 22 year old with grandiose and persecutory delusions, suicidal ideation and a well thought out plan. What followed was a week of media coverage on gun control, the NRA, police readiness to assess danger and mental illness. But now the airwaves are quiet–it’s a fading memory. And that’s despite the passionate plea for ‘not one more’ from the father of one … Continue reading