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Tag Archives: YouTube
Economic Challenges and Resiliency
Redefining a crisis as a challengegives you the power to begin, step by step, coping with the situation. See the changes you need to make in this economy as the opportunity to create a more fulfilling life for yourself and your family. Recognizing your strengths and resources keeps you optimistic and resilient. Click on the NourishRelationships YouTube video for 10-second tips about keeping your perspective in this recession. When you are able to remain upbeat about your future, you can take advantage of opportunities that may open up to you. … Continue reading
Taking Care of Yourself in this Economy
You’ve probably noticed that the economic downward spiral has affected more than your pocket book. For most of us, it has also taken a toll on our feelings of well-being and security. Reports indicate that mental health calls due to financial pressure have increased more than 100% since the crisis began. If you are feeling signs of distress, check out these NourishRelationships YouTube video tips about how to nurture yourself. You’ll learn how to take better care of yourself and create a healthier lifestyle for you and your family – … Continue reading
The Election, the Economy and You
News about the economy continues to be gloomy. Unemployment figures still languish near 10 percent, home foreclosures persist unabated and bankruptcy is the only feasible alternative for many Americans. As the election season moves into high gear, it reflects the mantra of 1992, “it’s the economy, stupid.” Funds are hard to come by and even battered ones are appreciated. Actually thriving during an economic crisis may be impossible to achieve, but you can learn techniques to help you deal with these difficult times. All this week, you’ll find video tips … Continue reading
Susan Boyle and ‘I Dreamed a Dream’
Last week we all had a chance to learn a lesson from Susan Boyle when she sang ‘I Dreamed a Dream’ before judges in the trials of ‘Britain has Talent.’ What a surreal and thrilling moment for her. And what a wake-up call for the rest of us. Her 15 minutes of fame aren’t over yet with, so far, over 20 million views on YouTube. Why the viral nature of this phenomenon? Of course we’re all pretty fed up with the media focus on teen pop stars and desperate for … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged Britian Has Talent, Captain Sullenberger, hero, I Dreamed a Dream, inspiration, role model, Susan Boyle, YouTube
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