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Tag Archives: student loans
Millennials and Tax Day
It’s that time of year again – Tax Day – and even though the economy is improving, it still feels like Uncle Sam is taking a big bite out of our income. We’re all given a few extra days to file and pay this year since Emancipation Day falls on April 15 but nonetheless we recognize the fiscal challenges Americans are still facing. I remember when one of our sons got his first paycheck for a summer job while he was in high school. He came home with it and … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, stress, your self
Tagged adult children living at home, boomerang kids in the nest, debt, exit strategy, Millennials, safety net, student loans, Tax Day, young adults
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Letters of acceptance
We’re approaching the time of year that letters of acceptance go out – either by snail mail or directly through the Internet. For some, it’s admission to college or graduate school, for others it means that first job offer. How are Millennials and their parents reacting to the news in these letters? As the website Grown and Flown explores, parenting is complicated and takes on different aspects for moms and dads of teens. Leaving home for school is often a significant step in your child’s road to adulthood but college … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, stress, well-being
Tagged adult children returning home, Boomerang kids, college expenses, financial independence, letters of acceptance, Millennials, parenting young adults, student loans
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Boomerang Kids and the Evolving Family
For years our society has been polarized on the Boomerang Phenomenon. It’s described as either good or bad, right or wrong. And Millennials are seen as practical or a failure, finding their way or lost. Those opposed advocate cutting the apron strings, whereas the ones in favor say it’s irresponsible to not provide a port in the storm. It’s hard to believe, but exactly seven years ago today – December 17, 2008 – we were interviewed by Newsweek.com about how to cope when adult kids move home. Our remarks about the … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged adult children living with parents, Baby Boomer women, Boomerang kids, Boomerang Phenomenon, cultural shift, families, Great Recession, HuffingtonPost.com, Millennials, new family paradigm, New York Times, Newsweek.com, student loans, vibrantNation.com
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Celebrating holidays with your adult children
In these times of stress, fear and uncertainty, we turn to family and friends for comfort – and to time-tested rituals for feelings of security. Particularly in this holiday season, many will come together to honor customs and gain a sense of stability. Yet as families grow and change, so do holiday celebrations. Now that Hanukkah is here, relatives are gathering in various constellations across the country. For some, the family is smaller as older parents become infirm and adult children move away. For others, relatives travel across the country … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, extended family, parenting kids, your self
Tagged " adult children, Boomerang kid, challenges, Chanukah, debt, family, Festival of Lights, financial, Hanukkah, holiday, job loss, parents, relatives, return home, rewards, student loans, support
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