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Tag Archives: stroke
Your relationship with your mom is likely to be complex and full of twists and turns, evolving over the years as you change. One Sandwiched Boomer ruminates about how she transformed her connections with her mother. When Agnes was a teenager, she felt that her strong mother was trying to control her. She looked forward to getting out from under her thumb and moved across the country when she married and raised her own family. They maintained their connections but at a distance. As her children matured, so did Agnes. … Continue reading
Posted in aging parents, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged aging mother, family, forgiveness, Sandwiched Boomer, Sandwiched Generation, stroke
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As Baby Boomers continue to age, the rise in incidence of serious illness affects nearly every family – especially if you’re a member of the Sandwich Generation. When you or your spouse develops cancer, heart disease, stroke or another chronic illness, it can change every aspect of your lives together. How to talk meaningfully with each other about the situation is a common concern. Do you wonder how to have deeper and more meaningful conversations with your spouse after such a serious illness? Dialoging with your partner in the midst … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged Baby Boomer, cancer, communication, health, heart disease, illness, Sandwich Generation, Sandwiched Boomer, spouse, stroke, surgery
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