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Tag Archives: stock market
Handling Financial Worries
Are you concerned about what’s happening to your savings as the stock market continues to fluctuate and slide? The drop of nearly 2,000 points over the past two months may reflect worldwide fears about future growth of the economy. But your personal outlook may have a sharper focus: What if a drop in my IRA balance affects my planed retirement date? When will my Millennial generate the funds to pay off his student loan? How can I help my parents or kids when I’m busy treading water myself? To allay … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, sandwich generation, stress, your self
Tagged Baby Boomers, Boomerang kids, drop in IRA balance, economy, finances, Millennials, Plan B, role model, stock market, student loan, transitioning into retirement, Whose Couch Is It Anyway
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Recover from Financial Panic by Investing in Yourself
The financial crisis has affected many people and involved losses on many levels –jobs, income, money in the stock market, a certain comfort level, retirement funds, a sense of security, dreams for the future. And, inevitably, these feelings of loss are accompanied by a period of grieving. Ever since Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross first identified the stages of mourning in her seminal book, “On Death and Dying,” bards, mental health experts and pundits have waxed philosophical about this process. These stages are universal and can relate to any catastrophic personal loss. … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged anger, depression, economic turmoil, financial crisis, Kubler-Ross, loss, mourning, Sandwiched Boomers, stock market
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Lost in the headlines about the historic presidential election and the stock market meltdown is the fact that October is the month dedicated to becoming aware of and controlling domestic violence. The irony is that the financial shock waves that have been rocketing throughout the world are likely to increase the prevalence of abuse. The economic turmoil will undoubtedly lead to greater fears, pressure and anxiety within families facing financial collapse – and, in many cases, that stress will lead to battering. Sandwiched Boomers, already dealing with the enormous strains … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged abuse, Domestic Violence, economy, financial fallout, Sandwiched Boomers, stock market
The continued market turbulence – another drop of over 700 points yesterday – has hit Sandwiched Boomers hard, especially those nearing retirement. Estimates by the Congressional Budget Office are that retirement plans have fallen by over 20% in value, raising anxiety levels and increasing feelings of vulnerability. As a Sandwiched Boomer herself, Kate is worried about her aging parents and how she will care for them just as she is taking on new responsibilities helping to care for her granddaughter. “Until a few weeks ago, I could hold it all … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged anxiety, change, children, economic turmoil, empty nest, Sandwiched Boomer, stock market, support