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Tag Archives: spouse
Gratitude List
This time of year, we are all busy making lists – grocery shopping lists, gift lists, to-do lists, invitation lists, holiday card lists, New Year’s Resolution lists. I would like to propose that we take some time to make another kind of list – a Gratitude List. Particularly because we are celebrating Thanksgiving this week, we have the opportunity to consider what we are individually thankful for. Kindergarteners are asked to think about thankfulness, why not grownups? I’ve begun making my own Gratitude List and I’d like to share it … Continue reading
Posted in aging parents, extended family, intimate partner, parenting kids, well-being, your self
Tagged colleagues, country, family, friends, gratitude, parents, spouse, support, thankfulness, thanksgiving
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June weddings and anniversaries
Before their weddings, June brides and grooms may be focused on the ceremony and party – but after the nuptials, they soon wake up to the realities of married life. Amidst the everyday pulls of career, household chores, financial limitations and raising children, there may be little left for each other – in time, energy, or funds. So how do you keep love alive as the years go by? If you’re celebrating your anniversary this month, here are 5 tips for nurturing your relationship and reconnecting to each other and … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, well-being
Tagged affection, anniversary, apologize, conflict, date night, forgive, grooms, intimacy, June brides, love, loyalty, marriage, partner, romance, spouse, trust, wedding
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Communication 201
Just when you thought you had it all down – you knew the secrets about exactly how to talk with your spouse – you’ve noticed that you don’t seem to be making any headway in your attempts at communicating effectively. So what do you do now? You’re already following the techniques of active listening – understanding what your partner is really saying, mindfully reacting to it, and responding positively. And you know about the different planets men and women hail from, making motivations as well as well as methods of … Continue reading
Working Moms: Setting Priorities
In Monday’s post, we already established the fact that you’re not about to abandon your work and family to-do lists. But you can identify your more personal priorities, whether it’s learning to play an instrument, returning to school or training for a marathon. And you can start right now by putting these GEMS into practice:Move ahead: Think about what you wanted to do today but couldn’t find the time to enjoy. It can define your priorities for tomorrow and help you stay on track in the face of the inevitable … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, your self
Tagged children, family, GEMS, longterm goals, marathon, parents, personal priorities, returning to school, spouse, to-do lists, work
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