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Tag Archives: self esteem
Some Good News, for a Change
Are you ready for an upbeat newsflash? With all of the negativity between competing Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, and the continuing stories of worldwide terrorism, it’s refreshing to learn about a positive story in the media. Two years ago, I blogged about how the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, publicized on social media, had raised $115 million dollars over the summer to fund research into ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). Now, we learn that “ProjectMinE,” partially sponsored by these contributions, has identified a genetic factor associated with familial ALS. … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged ALS, charity, dark chocolate, gratitude, helpers high, Ice Bucket Challenge, Millennials, optimism, self esteem, stress reduction, volunteering
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Ban Bossy
What do you think of the Ban Bossy campaign? Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO and author of Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead, has partnered with Anna Maria Chavez, CEO of the Girl Scouts, and former Secretary of State Condeleeza Rice to encourage girls to strive for leadership roles. Their thought is that girls are discouraged from asserting themselves because they don’t want to be called bossy—domineering, prone to giving orders. The campaign argues that if we take away the stigma by banning the word, girls will take … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, your self
Tagged 'Lean In', Anna Maria Chavez, Ban Bossy, Condeleeza Rice, Deborah Tannen, feminism, Girl Scouts, girls, leadership, self esteem, sexism, Sheryl Sandberg, STEM, work
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Parenting Resilient Children
You’ve likely noticed that some children seem to be more resilient than others, overcoming difficult childhoods and dysfunctional relationships. As we highlighted in the post here on Tuesday, a new study labels these kids dandelions since they are able to thrive in less than inviting environs. Here are 6 tips to help your kids become more resilient, whatever type of flower they represent: Encourage them to make connections. Relationships can be a major source of support when times are tough and provide a safe home-base all the time. Family bonds … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, well-being
Tagged children, connection, family, friends, goals, kids, optimism, parenting, relationship, self care, self esteem, volunteering
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Teaching Our Teens about Celebrity Substance Abuse
At the 84th annual Academy Awards last night, Whitney Houston, the female lead in ‘The Bodyguard,’ was one of Hollywood’s beloved who was memorialized. Whitney Houston was a celebrity with a unique singing style, but for years battled addiction. She died an early death at 48, struggling with self esteem issues and worrying she wasn’t pretty or good enough. Some of those around Whitney condoned her erratic behavior and basked in her limelight. Maybe they didn’t look out for her well being, or just weren’t able to save her. Her … Continue reading