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Tag Archives: saving money
Moms of Boomerang Kids Speak Up
Like 20 million other Millennials, has your adult child moved home? If so, we hope to hear from you about your experiences. We’ve been collecting stories from other parents about the joys and challenges of having their young adults back in the family nest. We have a short survey available for you to complete. You can also share the link with someone you know who has a “boomerang kid” back home. Simply CLICK HERE for the survey link to answer the questions and provide us with your comments. In return … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, your self
Tagged Boomerang kids, boundaries, communication, exit strategy, household expenses, job loss, Millennials, parenting adult children, saving money, student loan debt, survey of parents, Whose Couch Is It Anyway, young adults move home
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