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Tag Archives: Sandwich Generation
Sandwich Generation Roommates
Baby Boomers are joining the ranks of the Sandwich Generation in droves, with multi-generational households on the rise. As the children of Boomers struggle with a financial trifecta of the still sagging economy, high student loan debt and underemployment, many Millennials are returning to the nest as Boomerang Kids. At the same time, Boomers’ aging parents are feeling a financial pinch as their retirement incomes dwindle, causing some to make changes in their housing. Boomers who had dreamed about enjoying an empty nest may instead find themselves hosting their parents … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, aging parents, sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged " adult children, aging parents, Baby Boomers, Boomerang kids, caregiving, economy, family meetings, KNX Sandwich Generation Forum, Millennials, multigenerational housing, Sandwich Generation, student loans
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Baby Boomer Recognition Day
Would you believe it? Yesterday was the official Baby Boomer Recognition Day. As if Boomers need one particular day to be feted. At over 75 million strong, this generation has been in the forefront of the news ever since their beginning in 1946. With the last of the Boomers turning 50 this year, they have now, in fact, all become the AARP generation. As the largest cohort of Americans, Boomers have set the tone for so many of our cultural trends and historical mores. But these days Boomers are facing … Continue reading
Mother’s Day: Dealing with Disappointment
Have you thought about how you define yourself, like Sally’s mom or Joe’s boss? The greater your sense of self, the more buffered you’ll be from emotional fallout. In times when you feel most vulnerable, you’ll have other characteristics that can sustain you. Core roles change when your daughter leaves for college or your son gets married, when you lose your job or get a promotion. At those times, what matters most to your wellbeing is the impact on your ideas about who you are. But you don’t have to … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, sandwich generation, well-being, your self
Tagged disappointment, family, love, mom, mother's day, nurturing, relationships, roles, Sandwich Generation, support, well being
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Ringing in the New Year
If you’re like most of us, you probably begin each New Year with hope and optimism. This time, in 2014, you’ll make the right choices, follow-up on positive change, and achieve the goals that have been eluding you. In that spirit of confidence and resourcefulness, we offer you support all along the way here on our website through our white papers in the Resources section. Feel free to click on these links to give you more information and encouragement as well as practical strategies to put in place in 2014. … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged 2014, assets, challenge, change, coping, goals, January blues, New Year's resolutions, Plan B, SAD, Sandwich Generation, strengths, support
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