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Tag Archives: power
Men at Work – More than Just a Sign
Linguist Deborah Tannen has written numerous books about the conversational styles of women and men, in families and at work. According to Tannen, problems can occur, especially in a job setting where the members are not as knowledgeable about each other, when men and women don’t understand the rituals that define each other’s approach. Women, even in a work setting, generally use conversational strategies that are considerate and sensitive to the other person’s feelings, even when giving negative feedback. Demonstrating an emphasis on getting the job done without “flexing their … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, intimate partner, your self
Tagged boss, brother, conversational style, Deborah Tannen, HerMentorCenter.com, home, men, power, spouse, women, work
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Even in the best of times, Sandwiched Boomers face a myriad of challenges caring for growing children and aging parents. Here are two ways to begin the process of dealing with your complex emotions in these difficult times. Focus your thoughts on what you can accomplish rather than on what you cannot. Look on the bright side of difficult situations as you create a balance between caring for others and nurturing your personal needs. You may even want to make a schedule until this becomes a routine that is factored … Continue reading
Posted in aging parents, parenting kids, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged aging parents, challenge, growing children, power, Sandwiched Boomers
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