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Tag Archives: pessimism
Positive Effects of Negativity
I was having dinner the other night with a friend who is having a tough time as she goes through a very difficult break-up and I wondered, with all the emphasis in Positive Psychology on resilience and optimism, are we being unrealistic about our abilities to bounce back after a crisis? And is there actually some real value in being unhappy sometimes? Immersed as we are in the ‘dog days of summer’ it might seem like the wrong time to look at such heavy and pessimistic issues, but let’s give … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged break up, challenges, change, crisis, death, divorce, emotions, job loss, loss, negativity, optimism, pessimism, positive psychology, recovery, resilience, survive, unhappiness
The Day After
…And they lived happily ever after. That’s what we’re told at the end of fairy tales. And we want to believe it. But the truth is we really don’t know what happens after the wedding. How does the couple resolve the inevitable conflicts? How do they support each other after a defeat? How do they incorporate romantic love into the reality of day-to-day ups and downs? Today is Valentine’s Day plus One. You may be feeling disappointed and resentful about yesterday or happy and cherished. Perhaps you want to savor … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, your self
Tagged conflict, creation, fairy tale, forgiveness, gratitude, love, optimism, pessimism, reaction, resilience, story, valentines day, wedding
Do you remember your grandparents telling you about the Great Depression? Are some of their stories sounding familiar now that you’re Sandwiched Boomers facing your own financial challenges? I wouldn’t be surprised. Let us hear from you the next few days as we share ideas about how to take better care of yourself. Evaluate the situation but don’t overreact or put your head in the sand. Pay close attention to what’s going on around you. Getting caught up in a pessimistic mindset can result in higher levels of anxiety and … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged anxiety, family stress, pessimism, Sandwiched Boomers, unhealthy activities
These are unprecedented times. From the breakdown of traditional financial institutions to the government’s 700 million dollar bailout, Americans don’t know how to respond. Some are in denial, not fully understanding the problems and consequences. Others are angry at what they see as a “bailout for the fat cats” and an award for recklessness on Wall Street. Still others feel panic about the gloomy economic forecast. These are all typical emotional reactions to loss. And for Sandwiched Boomers, many financially responsible for their children and aging parents, they see their … Continue reading