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Tag Archives: parents
Going Home
Thomas Wolfe may have said, “you can’t go home again”…but I just did. I was back in my hometown, visiting with old friends for a 55th high school reunion and with cousins from my extended family. Just as is implied in the Simon and Garfunkel song, “Old Friends,” being with them brought the kind of feelings that cannot easily be repeated with others – immediate acceptance and the warmth of shared memories. We tend to forget the painful times and instead think about the joyful experiences of the past. It … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, well-being, your self
Tagged adult children returning home, Boomerang kids, family, Millennials, parents, reunion, shared memories, Whose Couch Is It Anyway
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Healing and Resilience
Tragically, events across America seem to be defining these times as the summer of hate. Divisive rhetoric has spilled over into bloody violence and shootings on all sides during the long weeks. Where are we going as a society with this painful spiral of animosity? Healing, however difficult, can stop the cycle and become a positive response to the pain we feel. When we band together as a nation, we can find common ground and overcome our grief, moving towards peace and reconciliation. We saw such role models last summer … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged bloody violence, building trust, defeat, forgiveness, hate, healing, optimism, parents, reconciliation, resiliency, role models
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Healing family rifts
Is your family ready for the holidays? No I don’t mean whether you’ve got most of the shopping and cooking done. The bigger issue at this time of year is preparing for the inevitable tensions and conflicts that arise at family holiday gatherings. The typical pressures created by living together can become exacerbated by the high expectations of the season. And interactions can become particularly strained when you have a Millennial Boomerang Kid at home. Saturday Night Live played Adele’s song “Hello” to prevent a brawl at the table in … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, extended family, parenting kids, well-being, your self
Tagged Adele, apology, Boomerang kids, conflict, family rifts, forgiveness, gratitude, holiday gatherings, hot button issues, Millennials, parents, relationships, tension
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Celebrating holidays with your adult children
In these times of stress, fear and uncertainty, we turn to family and friends for comfort – and to time-tested rituals for feelings of security. Particularly in this holiday season, many will come together to honor customs and gain a sense of stability. Yet as families grow and change, so do holiday celebrations. Now that Hanukkah is here, relatives are gathering in various constellations across the country. For some, the family is smaller as older parents become infirm and adult children move away. For others, relatives travel across the country … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, extended family, parenting kids, your self
Tagged " adult children, Boomerang kid, challenges, Chanukah, debt, family, Festival of Lights, financial, Hanukkah, holiday, job loss, parents, relatives, return home, rewards, student loans, support
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