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Tag Archives: parenting
Parenting Resilient Children
You’ve likely noticed that some children seem to be more resilient than others, overcoming difficult childhoods and dysfunctional relationships. As we highlighted in the post here on Tuesday, a new study labels these kids dandelions since they are able to thrive in less than inviting environs. Here are 6 tips to help your kids become more resilient, whatever type of flower they represent: Encourage them to make connections. Relationships can be a major source of support when times are tough and provide a safe home-base all the time. Family bonds … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, well-being
Tagged children, connection, family, friends, goals, kids, optimism, parenting, relationship, self care, self esteem, volunteering
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Supporting Grown Kids
Parenting today seems to be a lot more complicated than it was in the past. Do you home school, look for a charter or send your youngsters to public school? How do you protect your teens from bullies, substance abuse and on-line sexual predators? Where do you draw the line between supporting your college-age kids and being a helicopter parent? And now there’s a new set of decisions for parents of adult children – do you pay for their digital expenses even after they’re working and on their own? A … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, your self
Tagged : bully, " adult children, budget, cellphone, digital, expenses, helicopter parent, Internet, kids, online, parenting, social media, streaming, teens
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Tweens and Social Media
Now that Facebook has finally gone public and lawsuits have been launched about the process, will the media frenzy about it subside? Attention is already being paid to other social media sites – including those aimed at kids, tweens and teens. With summer beginning and school out in the next couple of weeks, soon your kids will be having more time on their hands. Are you concerned about how they may be spending it? Parents try to keep an eye on how and where their children are on the Internet, … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids
Tagged Facebook, Internet, kids, online, parenting, photo sharing, safety, social media, summer vacation, teens, tweens, video sharing
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