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Tag Archives: panic
Grounding yourself during financial turmoil
If you’re finding yourself stressed by the current mix of financial chaos, don’t get pushed into panic mode, even though your costs may be going up just as your benefits are going down. The Government shutdown – or slimdown as some are calling it – as well as glitches in the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and debt ceiling debates remind us that we can’t always control our circumstances. But there are some things we can do to cope with the disturbing state of affairs. Here are 5 tips … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged benefits going down, challenge, control, coping, costs going up, financial chaos, Government shutdown, gratitude, help, panic, reduction, reframe, slim down, stress
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No one can deny that the national conversation has become depressing. Sandwiched Boomers, with the responsibilitty of caring for their children and parents, are scared about the deep economic propblems. Some find it difficult to get up in the morning when all they hear about is tumbling home prices, an increase in unemployment and the falling stock market. Pundits exclaim that the American dream is dying on the vine and that we are all suffering from bankrupt spirits. Even though our country is going through a very difficult time, the … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged economic crisis, emotional fitness, helpful tips, panic, positive thinking, resiliency, Sandwiched Boomers
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These are unprecedented times. From the breakdown of traditional financial institutions to the government’s 700 million dollar bailout, Americans don’t know how to respond. Some are in denial, not fully understanding the problems and consequences. Others are angry at what they see as a “bailout for the fat cats” and an award for recklessness on Wall Street. Still others feel panic about the gloomy economic forecast. These are all typical emotional reactions to loss. And for Sandwiched Boomers, many financially responsible for their children and aging parents, they see their … Continue reading