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Tag Archives: new decade
Creating Successful New Year’s Resolutions in 2010
Now that you have decided that you are ready to make a change, planning how to achieve your New Year’s resolutions is crucial. Acknowledge your role in the process and focus on the strategies that work for you. As you use these tips to turn your goals into reality, enjoy the satisfaction that comes from your success in 2010 and throughout the decade. When you click on the title above, it will take you to the Top Ten Self-fullness Tips for Sandwiched Women, an article in the Nourishing Relationships section … Continue reading
Recommitting To Your 2010 New Year’s Resolutions
With 2010 now begun, many of us are recommitting to New Year’s resolutions based on a firm decision to improve the quality of our lives. If you have made your own personal promises – still an honored ritual at this time of year – how do you avoid another universal tradition – breaking them? We all know that it’s easier to say you are going to give up a bad habit than to actually stick to your new plan. You may have resolved to finally lose the ten pounds that … Continue reading