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Tag Archives: money
Covering Expenses of Adult Children
A recent Harris Interactive poll found that 40% of parents of adult children were still paying for their digital services such as cellphone data plans and streaming entertainment. Two years ago, another survey by Harris found that 60% of parents were providing financial support to their adult children – housing, transportation, living expenses, insurance, medical – even after they had completed college. Are you one of these? If you’re a parent continuing to support your adult children, it may be because of the relative lack of employment opportunities available to … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, well-being, your self
Tagged " adult children, budget, college, communicate, digital, family, finances, goals, kids, money, parent, support
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What frightens you this halloween?
Kids love to be scary, and be scared, on Halloween. Dressing up as witches, monsters and ghosts; helping to decorate the front of the house with spider webs; fashioning odd grimaces on pumpkins – all of these allow them to manage their levels of fear. When you are the one in charge of creating the spooky environment, it doesn’t seem so bad after all and when you can control it, you have a feeling of power and satisfaction. Maybe that’s why Americans spend so much money on Halloween, second only … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged aging parents, anxiety, coping, family, fears, frighten, Halloween, information, kids, money, resources, scary, strengths, stress
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Journey of the AIG Bonuses
All over the news these days is the disgust of the American people with the $165 million dollar bonuses AIG gave their own executives, as a “retention bonus.” After originally accepting $150 billion in TARP money, paid for by the American taxpayer, AIG has been scheduled to receive another $30 billion. But now the government has been reacting to the anger of the people and demanding some restitution of the bonus money. Every day Sandwiched Boomers manage their budgets while caring for growing children and aging parents – why can’t … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged AIG, bonus, breast cancer, money, Sandwiched Boomers, success, TARP, taxpayer
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The American Psychological Association, in a survey of 2500 people from all across the country, found that stress levels have increased significantly in the past two years, especially in the last six months. Over 80% of the responders said that money was a significant worry for them. And that was before the financial meltdown of the past month. So today we have two more tips for you to avoid feeling pressured and out of control by the roller coaster economy. Learn stress reduction strategies by attending a seminar, group, meditation … Continue reading