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Tag Archives: Michelle Obama
Tips for the Sandwich Generation Family
Our focus this week has been on Obama family values. And their move into the White House, which includes Michelle’s mother, marks a major transition for all of them. No Sandwich Generation family always runs smoothly. And there can be problems that aren’t that easy to fix. As you evaluate the kind of support and strategies you need right now, keep the following tips in mind: Make sure your expectations are realistic. You may have very clear ideas about how you want your family to be. But realize that every … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, your self
Tagged family, goals, Michelle Obama, President obama, Sandwich Generation, White House
The Obama Family and Family Values
In a recent letter to his girls, President Obama wrote: “I want you to grow up in a world with no limits on your dreams and no achievements beyond your reach.…..” Now that’s a strong message from a father to his daughters. Some say that the Obamas are the kind of family they would like to be. Michelle has a healthy attitude about parenting that resonates for those with strong family values. And she has talked about her personal struggle of juggling work and kids, not that different from any … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, your self
Tagged family, father, Lynn Goodwin, marriage, Michelle Obama, President obama, values
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