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Tag Archives: life purpose
Goodbye to Kids at College, Hello to Yourself
If your kids are settled into college by now, it’s time to catch your breath. How about luxuriating in a bubble bath or something equally unfamiliar? Don’t you deserve it after years of caring for your family in flux? And here are a few ideas to think about as you begin this new chapter: Discover your passion. What do you really value and care about? What do you imagine is your life purpose now? Take advantage of the extra time and follow your dream of returning to school or changing … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, your self
Tagged college kids, complimentary eBooks, family in flux, HerMentorCenter.com, journaling, life purpose, parents, parents' weekend, role models, stress, yoga
Say Goodbye to Your College Kids and Hello to Yourself
After you’ve said goodbye to your college kids, it’s time to say hello to you. Imagine that you’re the woman in the photo below, journaling your way into the next chapter of your life. Engage in an active process of learning more about what you want to do. What nurtures your creative thinking? What stimulates your curiosity? Identify your natural talents. What comes so easily you often don’t notice it? How about the acquired skills you have used successfully? Think about what you consider to be your greatest personal strengths. … Continue reading