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Tag Archives: housing
Financial considerations often form the basis of adult children and parents moving back in together. Even with the potential costs of remodeling to accommodate the two families, maintaining one household rather than two generally creates considerable savings for everyone. As Rhea summed it up in her comment yesterday, there are positive outcomes from sharing housing with family – saving money, for one. “Necessity will force a lot of living situations that we might not initially choose but will save us from financial ruin. It pays to learn how to live … Continue reading
Actress Natalie Portman, who moved back in with her parents when she gave up her own home, reveals that things do not always go as expected. “It was cool in the beginning because I get good meals and my laundry done but it turns into trouble. It’s rough.” As the reality of shared housing sets in, here are some more tips that Sandwiched Boomers will find helpful: Think about the problems that can come up and make a Plan B. Just because you all are having some difficulty with the … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged family, housing, Natalie Portman, Plan B, Sandwiched Boomers
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Yesterday we looked at the new kind of boomerang living arrangements created as a result of the current financial meltdown. Sandwiched Boomers – as well as the generations before and after them – are moving into these situations in record numbers. Many positive results can come out of shared housing if you plan ahead. Today we have some tips to help take the sting out: Have a family meeting to set guidelines before you move in together. All of you need to be frank and honest about your needs. Each … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged boundaries, economic turmoil, family, financial crisis, housing, Sandwiched Boomers
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Families today are facing a new kind of housing crisis as the economy continues to spiral downward. When one spouse in a two-career marriage loses a job, making the monthly mortgage payment becomes difficult, especially for Sandwiched Boomers. Senior citizens who have been able to pay for housing from their retirement accounts find they must cut back on that expense when their retirement funds are down by 20%. When a mortgage that began with an artificially low interest figure calls for a rate increase or a balloon payment, the cost … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged economic turmoil, family, financial crisis, foreclosure, housing, mortgage, Sandwiched Boomers