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Tag Archives: holidays
Focus on Gratitude During the Holidays – and All Year
Deciding to focus on giving thanks means a whole new mindset. As Albert Schweitzer put it, “To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude means to take nothing for granted, but to always seek out and value the kind that will stand behind the action. Train yourself never to put off the word or action for the expression of gratitude.” When you follow these steps you can act on the gratitude you experience and live a rich life no matter what time of year or economic environment. Positive psychology studies … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged aging parents, family, gift, grateful, gratitude, growing children, holidays, Sandwiched Boomer, well being
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As we come to the end of the holiday week, hold on to the feelings that come from sharing good times with family and friends. And take in some final thoughts about how to care for yourself in tough times. As Sandwiched Boomers, you may be wondering how you will pay college tuition for your children, help your parents on a fixed income and ever be able to retire. But while you can’t always control what happens, you can control how you deal with it. Your response to the financial … Continue reading
These are unprecedented times. With the breakdown of traditional financial institutions, the wildly fluctuating stock market, the Madoff ponzi scheme and government bailouts, Americans are confused about what to do. Some are in denial, not ready to grasp the problems and potential consequences. Others are angry at what they see as awarding recklessness on Wall Street. Still others are in a panic about what they’ve lost and the gloomy economic forecast. These are all common emotional reactions to loss. And for Sandwiched Boomers, many of whom are financially responsible for … Continue reading
This week we have highlighted 8 techniques to help you and your life partner remain faithful to each other. When you take the responsibility to incorporate these into your relationship, you increase the odds of being there for one another through the years. And it’s nice to know that your brain function is hard wired to support you in these efforts to stay close to home. So, Sandwiched Boomers, follow the advice of the old idiom, “home is where the heart is,” and re-affirm your love this holiday season. We … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged Hanukkah, holidays, marriage, relationship, Sandwiched Boomers
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