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Tag Archives: grandmother
Grandmothers Value Special Holiday Celebrations
Now that we are into December, the holiday season has begun in earnest, prompting grandmothers into action as they search for ways to prepare for holiday celebrations with the grandkids. Chanukah begins tonight and Christmas and Kwanzaa are just over three weeks away. So we’ve got more tips today about how to enjoy the holidays with your grandchildren, whether they live close to you or far away. When your grandkids live nearby, you benefit by being an integral part of their lives. You likely have the chance to spend time … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, your self
Tagged divorce, family, grandchild, granddaughter, grandkids, grandmother, grandson, holiday, relationships, respect, Sandwich Generation
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Tips for Grandmothers During the Holidays
This time of year, the role of grandmother can be most rewarding, especially if you and you grandchild spend some of the winter holidays together. Ours just visited for Thanksgiving and we all enjoyed being together to celebrate. While buying and giving presents is important, the most significant gift you can give your grandchild is your presence, attention and love. And you know the best gift you can receive back is a great big hug. For some budget-friendly and fun activities to do with your grandkids this holiday season, here’s … Continue reading
Grandmothers Hold On and Let Go
Over spring break, I had a chance to think about the eternal balance for grandmothers as well as mothers – between holding on and letting go. I recognized the dilemma as we took our visiting grandsons to an amusement park that offered trapeze lessons. I watched each of them climb up the tall ladder, perch on the small landing, reach for the bar of the trapeze and then leap out into the air, swinging freely on the trapeze. After a few swings, each one raised his legs up, hooked them … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, parenting kids, your self
Tagged anxiety, courage and lessons learned, fear, grandkids, grandmother, grandson, holding on, letting go, pride, trapeze
Grandmothers Speak Up
Unless you have taken over the full-time care of a grandchild, you probably have less stress being with your grandkids than you did when you were raising your own children. Without having to take care of all the daily needs of children, home and job at the same time, you are more likely now to enjoy watching your grandson or granddaughter grow. And relish their development into integral members of society, maybe even reflecting your own values. One of our readers shared these moments of reflection about her grandson’s behavior … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, parenting kids, your self
Tagged courage and lessons learned, grandkids, grandmother, grandson, love, role models, stress, tradition, values
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