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Tag Archives: grandmother
Woman as Daughter, Mom, MIL, Grandmother
Have you noticed how you and the women in your life are able to accomplish a myriad of activities all the while maintaining rich relationships? According to the pundits, this may be because women are traditionally good at multitasking – both at work and at home. The conventional wisdom is that this skill is a result of both inherent abilities as well as the effects of learning and socialization. Recently, scientists using MRI scans have found that the brains of women are hard-wired to excel at multitasking whereas men’s brains … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, aging parents, parenting kids, your self
Tagged Baby Boomers, daughter-in-law, daughters, grandchildren, grandmother, grandparenting, intergenerational relationships, Millennials, mother-in-law, mother's day, mothers and adult daughters, parenting Boomerang kids, sons, tips and strategies, women multitasking
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Grandparents’ Day and the Grandmother Effect
Last Sunday, for the 35th time since it was instituted, Grandparents’ Day was observed in the United States, honoring 65 million grandparents. In addition to loving their grandkids, grandparents are often responsible for providing childcare and support. A recent survey found that a grandparent regularly cares for nearly one-third of the children under age 5 who have working mothers. And 3 million grandparents are primarily in charge of raising their grandchildren. For me, love is the main commodity I provide to my grandkids and I get it back in multiples. … Continue reading
Why Can’t Nana Be President?
By now you likely know that Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky are expecting their first child in the fall. The fact that Hillary Clinton’s daughter will give birth to one of this year’s four million American babies is exhilerating for their family. But it doesn’t deserve the media bashing–that being a grandmother will hold Hillary back if she runs in the 2016 presidential race. There’s no denying that family has an impact on all aspects of our lives. And let me tell you from experience, grandparenting is a highly underrated … Continue reading
Virtual Book Tour with Dr. Jikun Kathy Sankey
We are pleased to welcome to our blog today Dr. Jikun Kathy Sankey, who joins us for a Virtual Book Tour featuring her novel, My Name Is Mahataa. Kathy is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and treats patients using acupuncture, nutrition, Chinese and Western herbs and Jin Shin Jitsu. She’s participated in meditation retreats for years and currently heads the One Drop Zendo in Los Angeles. Her Mentor Center: Welcome, Kathy. The title of your novel is intriguing. Who is Mahataa and can you tell us more about her? Jikun … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged female, grandmother, healer, Jikun Kathy Sankey, matriarch, meditation, My Name is Mahataa, novel, yoga, zen