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Tag Archives: Generation X
Sandwich Generation Resources
Did you know that, although the term “Sandwich Generation” has been in the Merriam Webster dictionary for only 9 years, it was first coined nearly 25 years ago to describe those caring for their growing children and aging parents? Or that the average Sandwich Generation couple spends $10,000 a year, as well as over 25 hours a week, in their care-giving roles? With more Boomerang Kids returning home, the number of those financially supporting both their grown children and their parents has grown to one-quarter of all adults. Baby Boomers … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, aging parents, sandwich generation, stress, your self
Tagged " adult children, aging parents, Baby Boomers, Boomerang kids, caregiving, community resources, family, Forum, Generation X, growing children, KNX 1070 radio, Sandwich Generation, stress reduction, support groups
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