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Tag Archives: freedom
Memorial Day and Changing Behavior
Today we in the United States remember and pay tribute to the men and women in the Armed Forces who have sacrificed their lives to protect our freedoms over the years. Other military personnel have given up healthy bodies and psyches in service to country. In their honor this Memorial Day and in respect to their unique bravery, we offer you links to organizations that provide assistance to soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen and their families. You can make a difference by supporting their work. Joining Forces is a national initiative … Continue reading
Providing Respect and Comfort on Memorial Day
This Memorial Day we respectfully remember those who have fallen in service to our country, those who have served and returned, and those who are currently in harm’s way in our defense. Please join as we express our gratitude to these brave young men and women who have given their lives to protect our freedoms over the years. Many Americans will visit a veteran’s cemetery this Memorial Day, including the Los Angeles National Cemetery. With thousands of identical tombstones stretching, row by row, as far as the eye can see, … Continue reading
Menopause Brain?
Last week we looked at ways to activate your brain and keep it young. But recent studies at UCLA indicate that women’s brains may not function as well during the early stage of the menopause transition – women do not learn as well shortly before menopause as they do earlier or later. So if you are one of the 60% of women who notice that you have memory problems during your menopausal transition, take heart – your memory will come back once you are postmenopausal. Menopause may bring many additional … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged aging, beauty, coping, freedom, loss, meaning, memory, menopause, postmenopausal, role, Sandwiched Boomer, UCLA study