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Tag Archives: fitness
Virtual Book Tour: Lauren Brooks and Kettlebells
We’re pleased to be hosting Lauren Brooks here on the blog today. She’s the author of Kettlebells for Women: Workouts for Your Strong, Sculpted and Sexy Body. For those of you who don’t know, kettlebells are iron balls with handles that allow you to move the weight in a natural swinging motion with your hips. They provide an all in one workout that results in increased strength, conditioning and fat loss all at once. If you’re ready to know more about this unusual and effective kind of workout, let’s get … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged exercise, feminine, fitness, health, kettlebells for women, kettlebooks, Lauren Brooks, muscles, optimal strength happiness, sculpted body, Virtual Book Tour, workout
Aging vs. Growing Old: It Doesn’t Depend on the Calendar
Lifetime Achievement Award winner Betty White is in the news again. It seems she is following the advice for staying young we gave you earlier this week: cultivate humor in your daily life; hang out with your peers; find the time to interact with younger friends too. This time, she has jumped into the fray of those making predictions about the future of NBA basketball star LeBron James. White has joined with her adopted city of Cleveland, hoping to entice LeBron to stay with the Cavaliers for another season. As … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged Betty White, feeling young, fitness, friends, growing old, healthy aging, Hot in Cleveland, humor, LeBron James, meaning, NIA, Sandwiched Boomer, volunteer