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Tag Archives: fighting fair
Improving Your Relationship for Valentine’s Day
With research statistics still indicating that one out of every two marriages in the United States ends in divorce, you can beat the odds by resolving this Valentine’s Day to work on improving your marriage.Photo by Clare Bloomfield / Freedigitalphotos.net Instead of letting your arguments spiral out of control, vow to use fair fighting techniques and put your differences behind you before you go to bed at night. Here are some tips to get you started: Believe in your ability to change as a couple. When you make a pact … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner
Tagged anger, boomer couples, brain chemicals, compromise, divorce, dopamine, fighting fair, forgiveness, love, marriage, oxytocin, stress, valentines day
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Achieving Harmony on Valentine’s Day
With research statistics still indicating that one out of every two marriages in the United States ends in divorce, you can resolve this Valentine’s Day to work on improving your marriage. Instead of letting your arguments spiral out of control, vow to use fair fighting techniques and put your differences behind you before you go to bed at night. Here are some tips to get you started: Believe in your ability to change as a couple. When you make a pact to let go of old hurt feelings, you can … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner
Tagged anger, boomer couples, divorce, fighting fair, love, marriage, valentines day
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Mothers-in-Law Change
Another reader of Nourishing Relationships has commented about how difficult the role of mother-in-law is: “As the mother of sons who adored bringing them up, I never realized until they married what difficult issues I’d face. I foolishly thought we would just widen our wonderful circle and they, my daughters-in-law, would join in the dance. I forgot, they had mothers and did not want another one! There’s also the cultural piece, which takes a great deal of work and understanding when two cultures are involved. It is a real challenge, … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, your self
Tagged boomer couples, daughter-in-law, DIL, family in flux, fighting fair, HerMentorCenter.com, MIL, mother-in-law, son-in-law
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Jon and Kate on the Road to Divorce
The headlines read: “Jon and Kate ready to litigate?” It was followed by confirmation that the Gosselins, parents of eight and partners in the TV reality show Jon & Kate Plus 8, plan to legally dissolve their marriage. The celebrity gossip machine and fans of pop culture have been speculating about this issue for months. The much publicized episode where they announced the break up of their 10 year marriage hit an all time rating high. Jon and Kate’s physical separation has forced TLC to put production of the popular … Continue reading