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Tag Archives: family in flux
The Mother-in-Law’s Manual
Today we welcome Susan Lieberman, Ph.D. for a Virtual Book. We found her book, The Mother-in-Law’s Manual: Proven Strategies for Creating and Maintaining Healthy Relationships with Married Children, to be so chock full of good information that we have asked her to stay on with us for two days, so send in your comments and questions. We’ll highlight them again on Friday with her answers. When her boys married, Susan had no idea that there was an entire new learning curve waiting just around the corner. She had expected parenting … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, your self
Tagged daughter-in-law, family in flux, MIL, mother-in-law, script, son-in-law, Spock, Susan Lieberman, The Mother-in-Law's Manual, women
Are You Sandwiched Between Two Generations?
We’ve received some interesting comments from other Sandwiched Boomers out there and want to share them with you. Please let us all know how the issues raised by these women resonate with you. One website reader is coping with her family in flux as well as her career – and just can’t seem to find the time to nourish herself. She told us: “I’m trying to figure out how to take care of myself while I’m juggling the responsibilities of elder care and saving the family business. I am at … Continue reading
Your Personal Health Plan: 10 Tips for Self-fullness
The proposed national healthcare bill is sparking discussion across the country. Members of Congress are finding vocal constituents at town hall meetings in their districts. Is it a real grass roots protest or astroturf? When AARP representatives prematurely end a meeting because senior citizen members there challenge AARP support of the bill, frustrations grow on both sides. And when the White House posts a blog encouraging citizens to report “fishy” information about the proposed health plan, the controversy widens. What can you do? Learn more about the House health bill … Continue reading
Your Personal Health Plan Sets Reasonable Standards
No matter what age women have attained, many still act the part of the ‘good girl,’ responding to the needs of others first. It’s fitting that these multitasking women are called the Sandwich Generation – since a sandwich often means a quick bite to eat on the run for those who don’t have the time for a sit-down meal. Why not begin to take more time nourishing youself? Instead of trying to live up to unrealistic expectations – yours or others – draft a set of realistic, reasonable, achievable standards. … Continue reading