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Tag Archives: economy
Handling Financial Worries
Are you concerned about what’s happening to your savings as the stock market continues to fluctuate and slide? The drop of nearly 2,000 points over the past two months may reflect worldwide fears about future growth of the economy. But your personal outlook may have a sharper focus: What if a drop in my IRA balance affects my planed retirement date? When will my Millennial generate the funds to pay off his student loan? How can I help my parents or kids when I’m busy treading water myself? To allay … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, sandwich generation, stress, your self
Tagged Baby Boomers, Boomerang kids, drop in IRA balance, economy, finances, Millennials, Plan B, role model, stock market, student loan, transitioning into retirement, Whose Couch Is It Anyway
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Sandwich Generation Roommates
Baby Boomers are joining the ranks of the Sandwich Generation in droves, with multi-generational households on the rise. As the children of Boomers struggle with a financial trifecta of the still sagging economy, high student loan debt and underemployment, many Millennials are returning to the nest as Boomerang Kids. At the same time, Boomers’ aging parents are feeling a financial pinch as their retirement incomes dwindle, causing some to make changes in their housing. Boomers who had dreamed about enjoying an empty nest may instead find themselves hosting their parents … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, aging parents, sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged " adult children, aging parents, Baby Boomers, Boomerang kids, caregiving, economy, family meetings, KNX Sandwich Generation Forum, Millennials, multigenerational housing, Sandwich Generation, student loans
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Families Cope with College Expenses
College tuition in the United States, one of the most expensive in the world, has increased an average of 50% in the past ten years, significantly affecting the budgets of families of Millennials across the country. And today 40 million graduates themselves are saddled with at least one loan – at an average of about $30,000. Total student debt has risen to over $1.2 trillion, affecting the ability of Millennials to move forward with other major purchases and causing many to return home as boomerang kids. Although a college education … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, your self
Tagged Boomerang kids, budget, college debt, college degree, community college, economy, job, Millennials, Pell grant, scholarship, student loans, tuition
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September Transitions
It’s September and another school year – for me personally, it means an exciting combination of fresh beginnings. A grandson just started high school, two nephews are now freshmen in college, a great-nephew has begun kindergarten, and I am teaching a new set of first year medical students. Are you too finding yourself in the middle of stimulating transformations? Some parents are dropping off their kids on campus and others are accepting them back home four years later as boomerangs, given the still sagging economy. If you’ve got a revolving … Continue reading