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Tag Archives: economic turmoil
Tools for Coping with Roller Coaster Market
Are you unnerved by the current stock market’s dramatic volatility, with its wild swings down and up? If you’re feeling anxious about how the national and global economic unrest will affect your personal and family finances, you’re not alone. You may be rethinking how you will handle your planned retirement, your kids’ college educations, supporting your needy parents, even your day-to-day expenses. While we here at Nourishing Relationships and Her Mentor Center are not financial experts, we do have some coping tips that can help you deal with the emotional … Continue reading
Is Another Financial Storm Brewing?
Now that credit rating firm Standard and Poor’s has downgraded the United States’ government debt from AAA to AA+ for the first time in history, a sense of uncertainty has again taken over the American psyche. After another historic plummet of the stock market last week in response to Congress’ clumsy negotiations over raising the debt ceiling, the market again today has opened drastically lower. How will the week play out? No one knows for sure. But families all over the country are bracing for the effect of the national … Continue reading
Video Tips for Keeping Your Perspective in a Recession
Redefining a crisis as a challenge gives you the power to begin, step by step, coping with the situation. See the changes you need to make in this recession as the opportunity to create a more fulfilling life for yourself and your family. Recognizing your strengths and resources keeps you optimistic and resilient. Click on the video for 10-second tips about keeping your perspective in this recession. For more tips about how to stay positive during this economic recession, click on the title above. It will link you to www.HerMentorCenter.com … Continue reading
Video Tips for Getting Support in a Recession
In these times of economic instability, when you may be feeling insecure and powerless, friends and family can buffer these negative conditions. Reach out to those who care about you and let them know how much their caring sustains you. Expressing your gratitude for their support is good for both you and them – each of you will grow stronger and more powerful. Watch our video today for 10-second tips about gaining support. You can learn more about getting support when you find your stress levels increasing as your financial … Continue reading