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Tag Archives: control
Grounding yourself during financial turmoil
If you’re finding yourself stressed by the current mix of financial chaos, don’t get pushed into panic mode, even though your costs may be going up just as your benefits are going down. The Government shutdown – or slimdown as some are calling it – as well as glitches in the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and debt ceiling debates remind us that we can’t always control our circumstances. But there are some things we can do to cope with the disturbing state of affairs. Here are 5 tips … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged benefits going down, challenge, control, coping, costs going up, financial chaos, Government shutdown, gratitude, help, panic, reduction, reframe, slim down, stress
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Can Workplace Stress Ever Be Good?
Just as you were getting comfortable with your lunchtime “ohms” to reduce daily job stress comes word from business school researchers that stress can actually be good for you. Not the kind that raises blood pressure, attacks the immune system, and causes you to lose sleep, but the kind that motivates you to achieve goals, especially those at work. Changing your attitudes and expectations about stress can modify your responses to new stressful events. Learning how to redefine stress as a challenge ahead of time can limit the increases in … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged adrenaline, attitude, career, challenge, control, crisis, expectations, fear, goals, growth, immune system, objectives, self confidence, stress, support, work
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Connecting as One
The horror of the Boston Marathon bombings was a shock felt by millions of us. Of course the victims – as well as their families, friends and first responders – were affected most acutely. With 3 people killed that day and 264 injured, that traumatic experience could have stopped everyone in their tracks. But we continue to hear stories of courage, heroism, dedication and resiliency among average citizens as well as professionals. And now we are learning more about the reactions to the bombing from individuals and corporations here at … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged bombing, Boston Marathon, contribution, control, family, Feinberg, first responders, friends, helpers high, One Fund Boston, resilience, suffering, trauma, victim
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Milestones not set in stone
I’ve been thinking about milestones a lot lately as I just celebrated another landmark birthday. Crossing from one personal decade into another is a significant event and takes on a life of its own. Connecting with friends who are also making this transition has managed to help us all focus on what we’ve gained over the years – memories, perspective, wisdom – rather than on what we’ve lost – agility, some energy, our youth! My personal age marker coincided with a milestone the stock market reached last Friday, when the … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged birthday, choices, control, Dow Jones, family, friends, job, milestone, motivation, news, opportunity, serendipity