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Tag Archives: confidence
Conquering Stress with Courage, Clarity, and Confidence
Today we are pleased to welcome Drs. Balasa Prasad and Preetham Grandhi to our blog to discuss their new book, The Turning Point: Conquering Stress with Courage, Clarity, and Confidence. Both authors are Psychiatrists who work with patients to conquer their stress so that they can turn their lives around and thrive. Stress has been a principal nemesis of all of us and now stress levels seem to be higher than ever all over the world. A fragile worldwide economy, ongoing globalization and rapid technological advances have all played a … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged addiction, children, clarity, confidence, courage, Grandhi, Prasad, PTSD, stress, Turning Point Program
When Flirting Becomes Dangerous
Just when you thought the scandal from the affair between General David Petraeus and Paula Broadwell couldn’t get more complicated, word has come out about another internal investigation over inappropriate behavior – this time between General John Allen and Jill Kelley. While we really don’t know the facts, apparently these two shared emails that have been described as more than just flirtatious. So what’s going on here? When four married adults – two of whom are the highest-ranking military personnel – give the appearance of having been involved in extra-marital … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, well-being, your self
Tagged affair, confidence, David Petraeus, flirting, fun, inappropriate behavior, intimacy, Jill Kelley, John Allen, partner, Paula Broadwell, romance, scandal
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Acting Techniques for Everyday Life
If you missed the Virtual Book Tour on Wednesday’s blog, scroll down for author Jane Marla Robbins’ interview aboutActing Techniques for Everyday Life. Want to feel strong and relaxed no matter what you’re doing? You’ll find answers by clicking on ‘comments’ at the end of yesterday’s post. Our readers’ questions will resonate, and Jane’s responses are insightful, thoughtful and honest. Thanks, Jane, for ideas about how to feel more confident in many difficult family, work and social situations. Your techniques create a sense of well being so we can make … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged balance work and family, confidence, family, Jane Marla Robbins, stress, Virtual Book Tour
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