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Tag Archives: caregiving
Caring for Yourself and Aging Parents at Holiday Time
Amidst all the celebrating during these holidays, if you’re a Sandwiched Boomer, torn between caring for growing children and aging parents, you may be bogged down by your responsibilities and having a hard time getting into the spirit of the season. I know I did when I was taking care of my parents a decade ago. They moved in with me after my mother developed cognitive impairment due to a stroke, and they lived with us until their deaths years later. When I was just too exhausted, my husband insisted … Continue reading
Posted in aging parents, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged AARP, aging parents, Alzheimer's, caregiving, holidays, Sandwiched Boomers
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Testosterone Levels Decrease in New Fathers
As mothers, we’ve experienced the hormonal roller coaster of pregnancy, labor, delivery and postpartum emotions. We felt more attached to our growing baby as our progesterone and estrogen levels rose early in pregnancy and remained high, supporting the development of a healthy, well-nurtured baby. Then our oxytocin levels spiked while we gave birth – just the beginning of the mommy brain we formed. All of these dramatic hormonal changes made us more involved with our infants, during pregnancy and as new mothers. Studies are now showing that men, too, are … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, parenting kids
Tagged baby, birth, caregiving, family, feminine side, men, mommy brain, parenting, pregnancy, testosterone, women
Care-giving 101: Boomers Beware
What an unfortunate end to a terrific week at the lake, with all our kids and grandsons, celebrating my husband’s birthday. During one final swim, he slipped on the dock, had to have surgery on a fracture through the knee joint and is now only 10 days into an 8-12 week stint of no weight bearing. And yes, living in a 2nd floor walk-up, we’re both counting the days! When we’re busy with our lives and moving along as usual we tend to feel bad for the injured and their … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, your self
Tagged Baby Boomers, caregiving, caretaker, husband, injury, marriage, relationships, vacation
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Women in the Sandwich Generation Need to Start Taking Better Care of Themselves
In last week’s election, did you notice all the references to the Pink Stampede? There were several firsts for women – Nikki Haley (South Carolina) Susana Martinez (New Mexico) and Mary Fallin (Oklahoma) were all elected in states that never had a female governor before. Despite these historic events, women continue to lag behind in issues related to taking care of themselves. They seem to have other priorities that can’t wait. According to AARP research, 44 million members of the Sandwich Generation, most of them women, are caregivers for aging … Continue reading